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Laying Pipelines for People's Livelihood | XCMG's Pipe Jacking Machine Project is Super Warm

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-06-06      Origin: Site


Late autumn season

XCMG pipe jacking machine with super strong jacking ability

Group up to Qingdao West Coast New Area

Did something super warm


  Recently, several pipe jacking machines from XCMG have gathered in Qingdao to assist in the western urban area of Qingdao's West Coast New Area and the heating projects for people's livelihoods along the route.

  The construction of long-distance heat transmission pipelines from Huaneng Dongjiakou Power Plant to the western urban area of the new district has started a comprehensive project. XCMG XDN2400-R, XDN1650-R, XDN2200-S and other pipe jacking machines are fully pushing in the pipeline laying, ensuring timely and on-demand winter heating for people's livelihoods.


Laying underground "warm" passages layer by layer

  Multiple XCMG pipe jacking machines are being constructed simultaneously at three construction sites, with the construction section adjacent to residential areas and primary schools. The underground pipelines are complex and the construction conditions are difficult, with varying geological conditions such as clay, gravel, and moderately weathered rocks.


The R&D team of XCMG's pipe jacking machine and the construction party have visited the site multiple times to survey the terrain and topography, discuss construction plans, and reasonably select power configurations and optimize the layout of cutterheads according to engineering needs. They have quickly developed XCMG XDN2200-S flat pipe jacking machine, XDN2400-R rock pipe jacking machine and other products.

 XCMG has also dispatched a dedicated service team to respond quickly 24 hours a day, stationed throughout the entire process to follow up on the construction progress of the project and ensure the construction progress.


  XCMG XDN2200-S flat pipe jacking machine breaks through layers of sand, gravel, and clay in the main strata, with an average of 2 meters of jacking in half an hour; On another construction site, the XCMG DN2400-R pipe jacking machine successfully received high praise from the project team for its tangible performance in dealing with complex formations dominated by moderately weathered rocks, with each pipe installed every 40 minutes.


  The XCMG pipe jacking machine participating in this project has optimized the layout of the cutterhead, improved the rock breaking efficiency, and solved a series of construction problems such as the cutterhead being prone to jamming, the machine head being raised or stuck. In response to issues such as sediment deposition and high pipe friction during construction, XCMG's pipe jacking machine's mud discharge system can achieve five mud circulation modes: internal and external circulation, bypass, external water supply, and direct discharge.


  In addition, XCMG's pipe jacking function enables comprehensive collection of construction data, real-time monitoring of parameters such as cutterhead load and jacking force during the jacking process, especially in complex geological formations with uneven hardness, which facilitates quick adjustment of operation methods by the operator, ensuring construction efficiency and safety.


  The efficient construction in the early stage has satisfied the project team with XCMG's pipe jacking machine. In the future, several rock pipe jacking machines such as XDN1200-R, XDN1350-R, XDN1500-R, and XDN1650-R will be introduced to assist in the laying of underground pipelines.


With the continuous expansion of global infrastructure scale, the demand for pipe jacking machines continues to rise. XCMG Basic Engineering Machinery will deepen technological innovation, create products that better meet market demand, assist the non excavation market, smooth various underground pipelines, and strive to improve the level of urban infrastructure.

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