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Leading The G Era! XCMG G2 High-end Crane Brand Released Globally!

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-04-17      Origin: Site


61 years of crane development history

300,000 user base

XCMG once again leads the global crane industry

Proposing an epoch-making “new proposition of industrial value”

April 9

XCMG lifting G2 high-end brand

Big release


Holding high the banner of user value and full life cycle competitiveness, XCMG Hoisting Machinery will go to the glorious moment of "leading the G era" with high-quality "innovation" and "newness" and share the G2 high-end brand with technological fission.

Su Zimeng, President of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, Li Xiaofei, Secretary General of Engineering Crane Branch of China Construction Machinery Industry Association, Yang Dongsheng, Chairman and Party Secretary of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery, Sun Jianzhong, Vice President of XCMG Machinery and General Manager of Hoisting Machinery Division, etc. attended the event.

5 “G” Excellent Value System

Another breakthrough in technological innovation

In the new productivity era of high-quality development, XCMG G2 high-end brand is at the right time.

G2 technology platform innovatively introduces the 5 "G" excellent value system:

G-ECO is highly efficient and energy-saving throughout the entire cycle, G-ICON is intelligently controlled in all scenarios, G-Master is precise in all working conditions, G-Comfort is fully comfortable and G-Safe is manufactured with safety and quality throughout its life.


Containing 21 core technologies and 31 components, the G2 platform technology covers the entire process of product use, maintenance and operation and management, and overcomes 30 problems such as the smoothness of the boom's telescopicity under load, forming telescopic under load and intelligent electronically controlled steering. and other 11 original technologies, reaching the industry-leading level.

Starting from user needs and ensuring full life cycle, XCMG pays more attention to high-frequency working conditions and common working conditions where users can continue to make profits. On-site users said that "using technological innovation to break through the traditional value boundaries, XCMG cranes have opened up a greater value space for us."


The core indicators of the entire G2 generation series of products have been improved to a higher level

Comprehensive fuel consumption reduced by 20%+

Operation efficiency and full working condition coverage capabilities are increased by 20%+

Micro-movement and smoothness improved by 30%

New cockpit space increased by 10%

Vision increased by 15%

Maintenance saves 20%+ time and effort

Reliability increased by 20%

Participating industry technical experts praised the innovative breakthroughs of the G2 generation, saying, "From a core technology perspective, XCMG's G2 technology platform can be called another 'masterpiece' in the history of industrial development. Both the technology and the product itself have reached the level of industry 'No man's land'."


In this regard, Su Zimeng, president of the China Construction Machinery Industry Association, commented:

"The release of the G2 high-end brand is of great significance to both enterprises and industries. It is conducive to the construction machinery industry and the crane industry to comprehensively subvert low-level competition and build a new ecology for high-quality development."

5-year 50% value preservation commitment

Build a new industrial ecology

To maintain the "potential energy difference" of technology, XCMG is using the technological innovation carried by the G2 generation to create a "kinetic energy resonance and win-win" that is win-win with customers, and proposes an epoch-making new value proposition for the crane industry - creating a G2 full-industry full-cycle value platform, the first of its kind Three major value models in the industry.

G-star customization model: special painting, digital butler; G-star service model: three-year warranty, full-cycle expert service; G-star underpinning model: 50% value preservation for five years.


Innovating technology and business models to break through the cocoon of market homogeneity. Behind this is XCMG’s focus on new productivity, forcing China’s crane industry to develop towards high-end development, completing a new round of value evolution, creating a new benchmark for global crane quality, and achieving The strength of win-win for users.


Sun Jianzhong, Vice President of XCMG Machinery and General Manager of the Hoisting Machinery Division, said that we have built a green cycle system for the crane industry through the G2 generation, and through business model innovation, we are pursuing win-win or even multiple wins for all stakeholders in the industry! Ultimately, we will create a new green ecology of the industrial chain with lower energy consumption, higher output, better returns, and more sustainable development!

At this point, Chinese crane manufacturers have begun to take root in the global high-end camp, and the upward path of Chinese crane brands is in full swing. This is an unprecedented "value guarantee" measure for China and even the global crane industry, and XCMG has presented a deafening declaration of high value to the world.


"XCMG will join hands with global industrial partners and customers to lead industrial innovation with technological innovation, and jointly play the strongest voice of the era of 'engineering technology leads, equipping for a better future', and jointly create 'high-end, intelligent, green and service-oriented'" , an international world-class advanced manufacturing cluster, contributing more high-quality increments to the high-quality development of the country's real economy!" Yang Dongsheng, chairman and party secretary of XCMG Group and XCMG Machinery, spoke resoundingly.

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